Depression Is Killing Me Inside Inside

The Lockdown is very similar to a Depression Right now

Yes Beautiful people reading this post how many of you feel so bored, tired, sleepy and unproductive, well then you are not alone with that problem So what we should do in such case. 

Well lift your Ass Up and Its Laziness that is Holding you nothing else, its just Laziness in our every day habits that is holding you back which then turns into a daily routine. Yes you read right  a daily routine so How we can change this: 

First of Start with Making Daily Exercise you best friend, too much of Exercise is not what you need Just 5 days of Push up, Sit ups, Crunches and a little jog is what you need every Week, Along with exercise it is also important to take some rest also and eat Healthy food, give up Junk food at least twice in a Month its ok to eat Junk Food. 


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